The show must go on at the Des Moines Playhouse, where you can see award-wining modern works, hilarious comedy, and outlandish musicals! You'll sing, laugh and enjoy great live theater that delights in offering plays made famous the world over on many a Broadway stage. You'll also find exceptional Children's Theatre productions.
Get solid as a rock at Climb Iowa climbing gym, the recreational climbing environment for avid climbers and novices, young and old, individuals and families. You'll appreciate the excellent body workout, challenging rock walls, and friendly, helpful instruction.
Calling all green thumbs to the Des Moines Botanical Center. Meander through the rows of colorful miniature rose bushes, orchids and delicate bonsai trees. Learn tips about how to make a garden grow, sprout your own fragrant herbs and start your very own terrarium.
Step out and step into the 1960s nightlife at The High Life Lounge. Yes, there's genuine shag carpet, Formica bar top, vintage wall paper, wood paneling and classic Miller High Life beer signs hanging everywhere! How can you not spend nights out on the town at a tavern like this?