Johnny Reno

Sacramento, CA 95826
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Things To Do in Sacramento, CA

Festival de la Familia Festival de la Familia

It's Calienté time at the Sacramento Festival de la Familia at Cal Expo. Celebrate nearly two dozen Latino cultures offering a spicy mix of children's activities, music, and shopping. Make a piñata, dance to Latin jazz, feast on warm Latin flavors and shop at the open-air market.

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Funderland Amusement Park Funderland Amusement Park

Hours of pint-size fun can be found at Sacramento's Funderland Amusement Park, geared for children ages 2-12. Child size rides and attractions include The Dagon Roller Coaster, Spinning Teacup Ride, Oscar the Fish, the Red Baron Plane Ride, and the Wild Stagecoach Ride. Little appetites get big slice of pizza at Funderland's Café.

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