The Flower Shop

8536 Madison Ave
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
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Things To Do in Sacramento, CA

Sacramento Capitol Park Sacramento Capitol Park

Tree huggers unite at the Sacramento Capitol Park. Thousands of species of trees occupy the park, some of them as old as Thomas Jefferson. The capital state park is home to majestic red oak trees, hundreds of unusual plants, and well manicured gardens that wind through the popular pathways used by local walkers and joggers. This park is California's rendition of an outdoor paradise.

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Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

Amazing architectural grace is found at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Step inside one of the most breathtaking buildings in the city. The soaring 1889 Roman Catholic structure, reconstructed dome, exquisite stained glass and the 2,000-pound crucifix suspended over the altar by airplane cables will leave you awe-inspired.

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Harmony Wynelands Harmony Wynelands

Find romantic harmony at Harmony Wynelands. The 18-acre family owned boutique winery is surrounded by picturesque gardens and grounds. Couples will delight in sampling award winning wines and traveling through the luscious vineyards. If you enjoy the wine that you taste, buy a bottle and continue your date at home.

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Davis Farmers Market Davis Farmers Market

Harvest fresh farm produce and other locally grown finds at the Davis Farmers Market. This Sacramento treasure is filled with organic goodies, baked goods and good old fashioned outdoor market fun. Pick from fresh corn, apricots, peaches, tomatoes and more for a healthier, greener lifestyle.

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