Go with the flow at Liquid Lounge, located in the heart of downtown Boise. Chill with friends at a nightlife destination bent on presenting notable talent like Ned Evett, "the world's first fretless guitar rockstar" so says Guitar Magazine, and serving up the perfect adult beverages while making sure you don't have to surrender your Amex Gold Card.
The Hidden in Plain Sight art exhibit from Ellis Island in New York City landed at the Basque Museum and Cultural Center in Boise. Explore exhibits and attractions showcasing the Basque immigrants from the Spanish Basque Region that made the capital city their home, making them renowned for their hard work and perseverance.
Check out "where the road ends and the paddle begins" at Idaho River Sports in Boise. Idahoans know their state has some of the best water for kayaking, canoeing, rafting, stand paddle boarding and other watersports recreation. Stop in to see the folks here, and get the best equipment and inside scoop for your boating experience.