Holiday Inn Club Vacations At Desert Club Resort


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3950 Koval Ln
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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Things To Do in Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas Book Festival Las Vegas Book Festival

The Las Vegas Book Festival is the ultimate celebration of the written, spoken, and illustrated word, and it's happening in Nevada - the state's most significant literary event. For over twenty years, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, Humanities, and community sponsors have worked tirelessly to bring the joy of books, learning, and reading to Las Vegas. Join thousands of attendees of all ages for a day-long bazaar of books, authors, readings, and workshops - all free and open to everyone. LVBF's programming is to share resources, develop audiences, advance writing skills, and encourage reading. There's something for everyone, from politics to Las Vegas history, romance novels, science fiction, Latino authors, thrillers, and more. LVBF also has a youth component with a children's area, live author readings, and illustrator demonstrations. Come and support the growth and development of the literary community in the Las Vegas Valley.

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Pink Adventure Tours Pink Adventure Tours

If you want to explore beyond the bustling Las Vegas Strip, consider joining Pink Adventure Tours for an off-road adventure. This renowned tour company offers exciting trips to various destinations such as Broken Arrow, Valley of Fire, and the Grand Canyon. You'll not only enjoy thrilling experiences but also learn about the fascinating history and culture of Native Americans. Moreover, you'll get to appreciate the stunning views of the region. The tours take you through the Mojave Desert and other natural wonders, providing an all-encompassing excursion you'll remember for a lifetime.

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Atomic Liquors Atomic Liquors

Atomic Liquors is the perfect destination if you're searching for a piece of Las Vegas' rich history. The bar was established in 1952 by Joe and Stella Sobchik, and it is the seventh liquor license to be granted in the city. However, what sets Atomic Liquors apart is that it is named after a time when customers used to watch atomic blasts from their rooftops. The bar walls have also welcomed many iconic showbiz figures, including The Rat Pack, the Smothers Brothers, and Barbra Streisand. You can even spot the restored seat where Barbra Streisand used to sit. With its charming and unique atmosphere, Atomic Liquors is a must-visit location in Las Vegas. Moreover, the bar provides free parking and excellent drinks to sweeten the deal. Take advantage of this piece of history and entertainment.

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