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Things To Do in New York City, NY

Tenement National Historic Site Tenement National Historic Site

The Lower East Side Tenement National Historic Site is a five-story brick apartment building that was home to an estimated 7,000 people, from over 20 countries, between 1863 and 1935. Now a National Historic Landmark, the museum offers tours of restored apartments that paint a picture of the life of an immigrant. The Tenement Museum promotes tolerance and historical perspective on the immigrant experience.

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Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

When the holidays roll around and it's a family priority to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on television every year, you should really consider heading to NYC to see it in person. This world-famous event has been a major production since 1924 and there's nothing like seeing it from the sidelines.

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