April Foster Artistry


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Open Now  Today: 10:00AM - 6:00PM  
April Foster Artistry Business Hours
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
2308 Union St
San Francisco, CA 94123
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Things To Do in San Francisco, CA

Cable Car Museum Cable Car Museum

San Francisco's Cable Car Museum has the distinction of being recognized as one of the top 10 free attractions in the world. It also offers a unique peek into how San Francisco's signature means of transportation is constructed and operated. You will be able to take several photos from the second level that overlooks the various exhibits, as well as get close to different displays that feature vintage cars in either completed form or in various parts. The various informative displays illustrate the compelling history of cable cars.

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Airtime of San Francisco Airtime of San Francisco

Sure, you can hang with the best of them, but can you hanglide with them, too? If not, take some time to let the pros at Airtime of San Francisco guide you and prepare you for some hangliding fun. They offer instruction as well as tandem paragliding so you can be airborne in no time to catch some spectacular views and high levels of adrenaline as you experience this extreme sport.

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Grace Cathedral Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral is one of San Francisco's most visually striking attractions. This neo-Gothic structure atop Nob Hill is one of the oldest churches in town. The incredibly arresting spires that sit atop the church are one of the most recognizable parts of the skyline. The Cathedral is as striking from the inside as it is on the outside, as you will sense a true sense of calm when you stand within its walls that are adorned by some of the world's most beautiful stained glass windows. The church's order is Episcopalian, but people of all faiths are always invited to come in and reflect and pray in the beautiful house of worship.

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San Francisco Zoo San Francisco Zoo

The San Francisco Zoo benefits from its natural surroundings that allow it to create some impressive natural habitats for more than 5,000 animals and 250 species. Among the smartly designed enclosures and attractions, you will see such memorable creatures as penguins, lions, koalas, giraffes, bears, and elephants, among many others. The zoo also features one of the country's largest gorilla habitats as well as a highly entertaining kangaroo exhibits. In addition to the animals, the zoo also features a classic carousel, a petting zoo, a nature trail, and a wildlife theater.

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