Flirty Dance Fitness


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Flirty Dance Fitness Business Hours
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
San Francisco, CA 94132
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Things To Do in San Francisco, CA

Alcatraz Cruises, LLC Alcatraz Cruises, LLC

When you visit San Francisco for the first time, visiting Alcatraz is definitely a must-do. The Rock, as Alcatraz is known locally, was originally a lighthouse and a military out post and prison before becoming a federal prison. The likes of Al Capone, among others, served their time here. The tour takes you from the shore to this ominous island and the guides are all well-informed and always ready to answer your questions. The inherent drama of Alcatraz itself makes it worth seeing, but the added touches and expert treatment by the guides only underscore how essential it is to see this dramatic facility when you are in the Bay Area.

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Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center

The Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center offers more than just your average alleys and pins. This venue has been consistently rated as a favorite of San Francisco bowlers for several years, and the state of the art bowling facility is also home to a year-round ice skating rink. So whether you are out for strikes or figure eights, you'll find an excellent afternoon of recreational sports fun at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center.

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Chinatown Chinatown

Chinatown is literally a city within a city. And Chinatown isn't merely a tourist trap, run-of-the-mill attraction, but a genuine celebration of Chinese culture. Sure, there are signs of the exotic as evidenced by the several wares for sale like spices, silks and jade; but events like the Chinese New Year celebration dramatically demonstrate the pride and tradition that is still very much alive at the Grand Avenue and Bush Street entrance and beyond.

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