Omulu Capoeira


Business Hours

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Omulu Capoeira Business Hours
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
2868 Mission St
San Francisco, CA 94110
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Things To Do in San Francisco, CA

McKinley Square McKinley Square

McKinley Square is one of the city's most popular park areas. Because of its location on a hillside, it offers spectacular views that combine the majestic backdrop of San Francisco with the more urban realities of the various roofs of the nearby houses to give it a special kind of balance. The neighborhood charm of the park is evident, as several people are out walking their dogs, playing with the kids or just taking a quick stroll down one of the many walking trails. This is most definitely a great place to come breathe in some fresh air and enjoy time outdoors before heading back to your usual routine.

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Chinatown Chinatown

Chinatown is literally a city within a city. And Chinatown isn't merely a tourist trap, run-of-the-mill attraction, but a genuine celebration of Chinese culture. Sure, there are signs of the exotic as evidenced by the several wares for sale like spices, silks and jade; but events like the Chinese New Year celebration dramatically demonstrate the pride and tradition that is still very much alive at the Grand Avenue and Bush Street entrance and beyond.

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Chicken Scratch Chicken Scratch

In a world where even "reality TV" seems staged, it's nice to know that the fine art of comedy improv is alive and well with Chicken Scratch. This group of highly skilled comedians put on a show unlike any other, and they have consistently won rave reviews for their hilariously unpredictable improv games to even making up their own rap songs! After seeing Chicken Scratch perform, you'll know that their mission of "slaughtering the world's evil with laughter" has been successfully accomplished.

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