San Francisco Diamond Exchange


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San Francisco Diamond Exchange Business Hours
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
868 Brannan St
San Francisco, CA 94103
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Things To Do in San Francisco, CA

Ocean Beach Ocean Beach

Golden Gate National Parks' beaches are among the area's most popular destinations for beach lovers. Ocean Beach most definitely falls into that category. The beach stretches three miles along the western side of the city from Richmond to Sunset. This beach perfectly exemplifies the untouched outdoor beauty of the western part of San Francisco as it looked before it was fully developed. When you take that fact into consideration, Ocean Beach is even more alluring, as the inviting sandscapes and sound of the waves will draw you in, whether the season is warm or cool. In the latter case, you can choose to warm up by grabbing a coffee or latte at Java Beach coffee shop.

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Palace of Fine Arts Palace of Fine Arts

The Palace of Fine Arts is one of San Francisco's most historic and stunning attractions. Originally built in 1915 for the Panama Pacific Exposition, this famous landmark began to show signs of wear and was recreated in cast concrete in the 1960s to preserve its classic style and essence. The inviting rotunda was preserved in its reconstruction, and the structure is now a popular site for concerts and various other types of performances that still echo with the Palace's regal history.

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Japanese Tea Garden Japanese Tea Garden

Many visitors have claimed that the Japanese Tea Garden, located inside of Golden Gate Park, is perhaps the most beautiful and serene part of San Francisco. That statement may very well be true, as hundreds of people have had the pleasure of seeing the garden and spending time taking in its incredible natural amenities. The landscaping is truly breathtaking, as well as the detailed Japanese sculptures and miniature pagodas that are also featured here. So when you're in San Francisco, make plans to experience the Japanese Tea Garden's mesmerizing, almost intoxicating natural allure.

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